Complete housing complex axonometric-Rhinoceros + illustrator
Part of the subject ´´Design II´´, from my time as an architecture student at the Torcuato di Tella University, in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Modulor works around the incorporation of a specific module as a work engine for the generation of buildings in three primary typologies: towers, strips and mat. These housing studies are then put together into a housing complex where the connections of the primary types in a single building unit are explored
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2019
´´Towers only´´ housing complex axonometric-Rhinoceros + illustrator
´´Towers only´´ housing complex image-Rhinoceros + Vray
´´L Tower´´ and ´´Square Tower´´ axonometrics-Rhinoceros + illustrator
´´L Tower´´ and ´´Square Tower´´ images-Rhinoceros + Vray
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